The value added mushroom products of Anmol Shakti Farmer Producer Company are:-
a) First Product : - Organic Mushroom Production .
b) Second Product : - Using of Mushroom Liquid Culture Technology
c) Third Product : - Production of Mushroom Aroma Concentrate .
d) Fourth Product : - Production of Mushroom Flavour Concentrate.
Organic Production :-
Normally the mushroom is grown by using chemicals and pesticides. Therefore the mushroom produced is inorganic and contains traces of harmful chemicals and pesticides. The first step in value addition of oyster mushroom is the organic production of the mushroom which contains no chemical residues in it. FPO is working continuously for the cultivation of organic oyster mushroom and has got certified by The Indian's National Programme for Organic Production Standard for Organic Production (NPOP) . For the production of organic mushroom one has to use the substrate, spawn and supplements all organic. The substrate commonly used are wheat straw and paddy straw along with chemicals (Formalin, Urea etc) and pesticides (Bavistin) which we replaced by hardwood sawdust along with supplements (Hardwood sawdust, Epsom salt, Gypsum and Rice bran) and neem powder spray as bio-pesticide which are being permitted for the cultivation of organic mushroom. Second most important thing is spawn. Normally the mushroom is grown by using grain spawn and grain spawn is not certified by any of the government or private organization therefore the grain spawn is replaced by liquid spawn which is made up by brown sugar, rice bran, peptone, yeast and malt extract which are all organic and has also been accepted as Organic by INDOCERT (The Certification Agency) under the guidelines of NPOP. After replacing inorganic mushroom by organic mushroom we approached INDOCERT, they visited our site, audited and tested the mushroom. Hence we are certified by the INDOCERT for the organic production of oyster mushroom under the guidelines of NPOP.
Mushroom Liquid Culture Technology : -
Mushroom is grown by using seeds called spawn. Normally the mushroom is cultivated using the grain spawn but we are going to improve the quality of oyster mushroom for the production of value added products. The value addition of oyster mushroom means the quality development of the spawn and this is only possible if we use liquid spawn instead of grain spawn. The production of good quality and nutritional value products is not possible in case of commercially available mushroom i.e. from grain spawn because the hardness of the mushroom is low, the moisture content is high, presence of mineral and amino acids is less as compared to the mushroom produced from liquid spawn. We are manually producing the liquid spawn, however the use of Bioreactor will scale up the process and the liquid spawn will be ready in three days. Therefore FPC will plan for a Bioreactor because all the parameters (pH, temperature, dissolved oxygen, agitation and mixing) can be controlled in it and liquid spawn will be ready in three days also the contamination free process is occurred. The volume of spawn can be increased many times as compared to grain spawn and manual process. This will lead to production of liquid spawn in industrial scale for the production of mushroom on large scale. It has enough contents of anti-oxidants also.
Mushroom Aroma Concentrate :-
The oyster mushroom has its own unique flavor and the aroma present in blue oyster mushroom has potential source of bio-compounds (volatile and aromatic). The aroma present in blue oyster mushroom contains octenol compounds which are responsible for aroma flavor and is used as flavoring agent or food additives in many food processing industries. Normally aroma is extracted by the use of synthetic solvents which is not suitable for edible products. Also the aroma is heat sensitive so, we cannot use heat to extract it. In order to eliminate the use of high temperature and synthetic solvents we use vacuum distillation technique in the processing of Oyster Mushroom because use of high temperature and using synthetic solvents destroys flavor and nutritional values and is risk to health also. We are processing the extraction by using fresh mushroom instead of dry mushroom because maximum aroma is found in fresh mushroom. FPO is engaged in obtaining mushroom aroma concentrate through vacuum distillation and this is the natural method for obtaining natural pure aroma concentrate of mushroom. The aromatic compound octenol is also called mushroom alcohol in general and has been approved by The US FDA as food additive. We also sent aroma concentrate for testing in Anacon Laboratories at Kanpur and the report has been received where it clearly shows no heavy metals and volatile compounds present in the concentrate and the concentrate is fully responsible for bold flavor (Aroma). The organic mushroom aroma concentrate contains the natural earthy and woodsy notes you love about mushrooms and are perfect in applications for sauces, soups, stews, broths and much more. Organic mushroom aroma concentrate is vegan, kosher and gluten free.
Mushroom Flavour Concentrate:-
Mushroom Liquid Concentrate is formed by using the fresh organic mushroom and it contains almost 85% of water content in it and forming liquid concentrate we use fresh organic mushroom from liquid spawn, use mushroom water and pure aroma also used for the production of mushroom liquid concentrate. By using the liquid spawn the quality is already improved and the protein contents are also doubled because mushroom produced by liquid spawn contains 50% more essential amino acids as compared to commercially available mushroom. The liquid concentrate contains many nutritional constituents like carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals and anti oxidants but mainly they contain essential amino acids. Protein present in it is easily digestible. Protein of mushroom contains amino acid glutamate which is responsible for Umami taste. The mushroom liquid concentrate was previously being produced by one of the Multi National Companies that is Nestle and they used dry mushroom powder instead of fresh mushroom. Now the company has stopped the production of Liquid Concentrate due to non availability of quality raw material. Now our FPO is going to improve the quality of Liquid Concentrate which was being prepared by the company Nestle. While cooking all the vegetarian dishes including mushroom dishes-the flavour and the taste of the dish is lost due to high temperature in cooking. This mushroom liquid concentrate will solve this problem by adding the concentrate with few drops in the dish being prepared at any stage of cooking. This will add umami flavour in various dishes especially soups, sauces and all other dishes including mushroom dishes. In this way a very economical solution of creating bold flavour with umami taste is solved which is not possible otherwise. This product is innovative, niche and within the reach of every person who wants to enjoy food with taste and flavour.